Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Where the super rich store their cars

When they don't mind the cars being stored out of reach:

The Sky Garage Penthouse located in downtown Manhattan
Exotic Classics in Syosset, New York
Auto Concierge in Los Angeles

When it has to be close to hand

The Thermal Club in La Quinta, California, is a V.I.P. racetrack country club
The Spring Mountain country club and race track

When the super rich don't mind spending fortunes building their own museum

Miami Auto Museum is the Dezer Collection. 1,800 vehicles in a 250,000-square-foot personal megagarage

John Staluppi, spent $18 million building a replica of his native Brooklyn in a South Florida warehouse that's so big he was able to park 100 collectible cars on its streets.

Or when you run a classic car retail store:

Cooper Classic Cars parked a barnfind 1956 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing in Cuker's classic car showroom,


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